
Panettone gastronomico (Gourmet Italian Panettone)

Total time required
150 mins preparation

Ingredients | Serves 2 panettoni

  • 1 kg
    Manitoba flour
  • 1 kg
    Extra-fine Italian “00” flour W180 or W 220
  • 1 lt
    Lukewarm milk
  • 500 g
  • 40 g
  • 30 g
  • 40 g
    Powdered yeast
  • 5
    Whole eggs
  • 6
    Egg yolks

Preparation method

  1. Mix the flours, milk, sugar and yeast together; slowly add the eggs until completely absorbed.
    Mix the butter with the salt until it becomes creamy at a temperature of 16°C.
    Gradually add the butter until it is completely incorporated. Knead the dough well. It should be smooth and elastic.
    Let the dough rest for 10 minutes covered on the table, divide the dough and put it into 700 g moulds.
    Brush with beaten egg and a little milk; let it rise until it reaches the edge of the mould.

    To prepare the filling:
    Spread about 45 g of ROBO 4-cheese cream sauce plus the following ingredients on each layer:

    1) Smoked Swordfish 50 g – ROBO Aubergine fillets 45 g
    2) Smoked salmon 55 g – D’AMICO Zucchine alla Caprese (Caprese-style courgettes) 45 g
    3) Boiled Ham 50 g – Oak leaf lettuce (Lattughino) 20 g – ROBO Crema di Carciofi (Cream of Artichoke Sauce) 50 g
    4) Mortadella (Cooked Deli meat) 50 g - ROBO Armonia di Pistacchio (Pistacchio sauce) 50 g
    5) ROBO Red Pesto Sauce 40 g – Buffalo mozzarella cheese 60 gr – Rocket 15 g
    6) Stracchino cheese 40 g – Bresaola (air-cured beef) 30 g – ROBO Armonia Tartufata (Truffle Cream) 10 g – ROBO Funghi Champignon Trifolati (Button Mushrooms sautéed in oil, garlic and parsley) 20 g

Prepared with ROBO products

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